Day 1

Course 1011 - Keynote

Wednesday, November 20 @ 7:40 AM

You must attend this session for a full day’s credit

Keynote Session: (3 CPE TAXES) (1 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00298-24-I)

An Update from the Trenches: How the Internal Revenue Service is Deploying Resources from the Inflation Reduction Act 
Michael Kramarz, J.D., LL.M
This Presentation will focus on recent IRS initiatives focused on high-net-worth individuals, large partnerships, transfer pricing, technology upgrades, and the Employee Retention Credit. 
2025 Tax Bill: Big, Small, or No Deal at All?  
Lauren Pfingstag, Director of Congressional and Political Affairs, AICPA

As the majority of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions near their expiration date, federal policymakers will be faced with fracturing coalitions and difficult choices as they debate whether or how to address TCJA’s changes to individual and corporate taxes. Come learn how post-election outcomes will influence the scope of possible federal tax policies in 2025. 
ELE Update 
Liz Burkhalter, CPA, Associate Director of CPA Pipeline, AICPA & CIMA 

Learn more about the Experience, Learn, and Earn (ELE) Program, from the American Institute of CPAs and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). ELE is an integrated education and experience program for individuals to earn up to 30 of the 150 credit hours of required education for CPA licensure at a significantly reduced cost. Recruit new staff, support current staff and help the future of the CPA profession with this program 

Who Should Attend: 
Accountants, Attorneys, EAs 



Advanced Preparation: 

Delivery Method: 
Group Live

Course 1021 - 2024 Labor and Employment Law Update: Changes to the Law and Enforcement

Wednesday, November 20 @ 10:30 AM
Glenn J. Franklin, Esq.;Elana T. Henderson, Esq.

We will discuss updates and developments in labor and employment law, both New York State and Federal. Specific topics will include:

  • Changes in Minimum WageOvertime Pay Issues;
  • Updated Salary Thresholds for Exempt Workers 
  • New York State Prenatal Care Leave and Paid Lactation Breaks; 
  • Updates to COVID 19 Sick Leave Law;
  • Expansion of out-of-state litigants' rights to sue under NY discrimination laws;
  • Unemployment Insurance Concerns. 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants and Attorneys 

Learning Objectives:



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1022 - Business Sale / Purchase: Select Considerations

Wednesday, November 20 @ 10:30 AM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00299-24-I) (2 CLE)
Robert S. Barnett, JD, Masters (Taxation), CPA

Business sales and acquisitions involve many legal, financial, tax and ethical considerations.  This lecture will explore some common traps and missed opportunities including: 

  1. Proper structure 
  2. Entity considerations – corporation v. partnership 
  3. Contract purchase price allocations 
  4. Special S corporation traps 
  5. Section 754 election and partnership traps 
  6. Goodwill and valuation 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants and Attorneys



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1023 - The Ugly 1040 II

Wednesday, November 20 @ 10:30 AM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00300-24-I) 
Beanna J. Whitlock, EA, CSA, RTRP.

Every tax season has its highlights and challenges!  Tax Professionals greet “old time clients” with the enthusiasm usually reserved for family reunions.   New clients are met with optimism and a sense of adventure. 

For the second year in a row, you have prepared the U. S. Individual Federal Income Tax Return for I. R. Ugly and his spouse U. R. Knott.  You have e-filed the return and feel very good about taking this client from “rags to riches” in the filing of their taxes. 

It is April 1st and looking at your appointment list for the day you see at 10:00 am an appointment with Ima Ugly, aunt of I. R. Ugly.  This is your first appointment with Ms. Ugly and you are filed with anticipation as to this encounter. 

Tax Professionals will learn that even the most organized of taxpayers can present challenges and create obstacles to a complete and accurate return. 

As with all Ugly returns, preparation is a learning experience, and it always helps to have a sense of humor.

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, EAs 

Learning Objectives:
Tax Professionals will learn that even the most organized of taxpayers can present challenges and create obstacles to a complete and accurate return. 


Beginner to Advanced 

Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1024 - Myth Busters: Reality vs. Perception

Wednesday, November 20 @ 10:30 AM
(2 CPE Advisory) (2 CFP)
Mark Badami, CFP®, CLTC®

Want to learn more about the myths of Real Return vs. Average Returns on an investment portfolio?  Interested in understanding and finding the tax savings in a Qualified Plan? Want to make sure that you cannot out live your assets regardless of market performance?   

All this and more will be discussed in this informative Myth Busting session.  Mark A. Badami, CFP® will uncover and expose uncommon knowledge and destroy the hardwired commonly misunderstood notions of today’s retirement planning.   

Who Should Attend:
Accountants and Financial Planners

Learning Objective:
Recognize and identify uncommon knowledge and destroy the hardwired commonly misunderstood notions of today’s retirement planning



Advanced Preparation

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1031 - How Tax Compliance Can Become a Criminal Matter

Wednesday, November 20 @ 12:15 PM
(1 CPE SK)
Dan Fusco, Founder, InnerPC Computer Solutions

While cloud computing offers many benefits for CPA firms, such as scalability, cost efficiency, and accessibility, there are also potential drawbacks that firms should consider before fully committing to cloud solutions. 

Come to this seminar to learn about the 7 key factors you need to consider when moving to the cloud. DON’T RISK YOUR COMPANIES DATA!!! Stay informed about best practices to maximize the benefits while minimizing the downsides with cloud computing.

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, Financial Planners

Learning Objectives:
Learn how to protect your data and stay secure .



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1032 - SECURE ACT 2.0, Update, What Was Changed and What Was Added

Wednesday, November 20 @ 12:15 PM
(1 CPE TAXES) (1 IRS CE G1U2N-U-00302-24-I) 
Mark Phillips, Senior Plan Consultant, APS Pension & Financial Services

This program will review forty changes and additional provisions of SECURE 2.0, some of which are mandatory and some of which are at the discretion of the plan sponsor.  We will provide effective dates, and, where appropriate, examples to illustrate the change.  Part I will focus on compliance and new contribution provisions including the new requirement for paper statements, family attribution, the new Saver’s match and student loan repayment match and many others.  Part II will focus on plan design, distributions, tax credits and several miscellaneous minor changes 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Financial Planners



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1033 - Get Ready for NYS/NYC Residency Audits! The Taxman is Coming…

Wednesday, November 20 @ 12:15 PM
Yvonne R. Cort, Esq.; Jaime Linder, Esq.

New York has been increasing income tax audits focusing on New York State or New York City residency, and it’s important to know how to advise your clients. Since the start of Covid through today, taxpayers have been moving out of New York in record numbers. We will discuss planning tips and documentation to prove your client’s position, as we explore domicile and statutory residency, day count, the 183 day rule, and the factors considered by the auditors.  We will also look at remote work, telecommuting and New York’s convenience rule.  

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys 



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1034 - Real Estate Income Tax Deductions That Most Tax Professionals are STILL Missing for..

Wednesday, November 20 @ 12:15 PM
(1 CPE TAXES) (1 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00303-24-I)
Eric P. Christenson, Cost Segregation Services, Inc. 

We will focus on 4 common Real Estate Income Tax Deductions that you must understand and offer to your client, before someone else does it first. 

Do you have clients that are classified as Commercial Real Estate Professionals? The tax code offers them a tremendous tax benefit and potential Cash Flow. 

  •     Accelerated Depreciation 
  •     Capital to Expense Reversal 
  •     Asset Disposition 
  •     Expensing Decisions using Ratio Test for medium to large expensing decisions.

Homework Preparation - email Eric your Client Depreciation Schedules for Free Review, White out the client’s name.  We will identify these 4 deductions FOR YOUR CLIENT, and I will bring the Analysis to the class for you to utilize.   205.837.2026 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Tax Preparers and anyone who owns Commercial Real Estate 

Learning Objectives:
Recognize and identify Commercial Real Estate Income Tax Deductions 



Advanced Preparation:
Homework Preparation-email your Client Depreciation Schedules for Free Review. White out client name.

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1041 - 1040 Update Part 1

Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 CLE) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-U-00304-24-I)
Neil D. Katz, J.D., LL.M., CPA

Continues at Part II – Program 1051

As the 2024 filing season begins, we are growing closer to the end of the TCJA tax changes and dealing with the results of the November elections. This session will address the current events, focusing on any new laws as well as Federal tax cases and rulings that are imperative for you as the preparer to know. We will primarily focus on the issues necessary to prepare you for your planning discussions with your clients as their fiscal years come to an end, to ready yourselves and your clients for filing their 2024 individual returns and to begin to look forward to what will likely be an interesting 2025. 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, Preparers

Learning Objective:
Recognize and identify Federal tax issues



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1042 - Form 1041 Income Tax Planning and Design

Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00305-24-I) (2 CLE)
Robert S. Barnett, JD, Masters (Taxation), CPA;Gregory L. Matalon, Esq.

This lecture includes Form 1041 Income Tax planning including the following: 

  • Distributable net income (DNI) and distributions 
  • §199A calculations
  • Expense allocations and final regulations under §67(e)
  • Current planning opportunities including trusts for grandchildren
  • Income tax traps
  • Business entities and passive activities
  • Capital gains reporting

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, EAs

Learning Objectives:



Advanced Preparation: 

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1043 - Understanding ERTC Audits

Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00307-24-I) (2 CLE) 
Scott Ahroni, J.D., LL.M (Taxation) ; Erika Colangelo, Associate; Marisa Friedrich, J.D.; Moshe Zupnick, J.D.

The IRS continues to focus significant attention on the Employee Retention Tax Credit. Increased scrutiny by the IRS has left many businesses concerned about the validity of their claims and what steps they may take to alleviate such concerns.  

This seminar will address how to help your client prepare for an ERTC audit, voluntary disclosures, ERTC withdrawals and overall IRS enforcement

You will learn: 

  •     Procedural Differences between Payroll tax and ERTC audits  
  •     Identifying Audit Issues raised by IRS 
  •     Exposure to responsible person assessments  
  •     Utilizing of Voluntary Disclosure Programs to correct ERTC claims 
  •     Options for businesses with unprocessed claims 
  •     Unique issues facing ERTC claims 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants and Attorneys, EAs

Learning Objectives:



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1044 - Fraud and Financial Abuse with Estate Planning

Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00309-24-I) (2 CLE)
Aaron E. Futterman, CPA, Esq.

Aaron Futterman, CPA, Esq. will present on why and when specific approaches are recommended within the estate planning and elder law arena and how to avoid pitfalls that are more likely to lead to litigation. Estate litigation can arise when there is truly a fraudulent situation or suspected fraud and sometimes there are “red flags” that this may become an issue in the future. Aaron will also discuss short and long-term tax implications in the estate planning arena. He will use case studies to bring this relevant and important topic to life.

Who Should Attend:
Accountants and Attorneys, EAs



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1051 - 1040 Update Part II

Wednesday, November 20 @ 3:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-U-00308-24-I) (2 CLE) 
Neil D. Katz, J.D., LL.M., CPA

This is a continuation of 1041

As the 2024 filing season begins, we are growing closer to the end of the TCJA tax changes and dealing with the results of the November elections. This session will address the current events, focusing on any new laws as well as Federal tax cases and rulings that are imperative for you as the preparer to know. We will primarily focus on the issues necessary to prepare you for your planning discussions with your clients as their fiscal years come to an end, to ready yourselves and your clients for filing their 2024 individual returns and to begin to look forward to what will likely be an interesting 2025. 

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, Preparers

Learning Objective:
Recognize and identify Federal tax issues 



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1052 - NY Budget Bill/Hot Audit Issues

Wednesday, November 20 @ 3:50 PM
Mark S. Klein, Esq.; Joseph N. Endres , Esq.; K. Craig Reilly, Esq.

The latest developments in NYS’s 2024-2025 budget bill, proposals that may become law next year, tax rules governing the exodus of high-net-worth taxpayers from NY, the surprising multistate tax consequences of telecommuting, recent sales tax cases, and NY’s use of sophisticated computer programs to identify and audit individuals and businesses.  

This program repeats at course 2011

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys and Financial Planners

Learning Objectives:
Recognize and identify the latest developments in New York State’s 2024-2025 budget bill



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1053 - Avoiding CP 2000 Notices

Wednesday, November 20 @ 3:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 IRS CE G1U2N-T-00310-24-I)
Beanna J. Whitlock, EA, CSA, RTRP

The dreaded letter from the IRS arrives which explains that IRS has more income assigned to your taxpayers Social Security Number than appears on the tax return.  Often the letter says, “Due to an error in the preparation of the return,” and we know how your taxpayer interprets that statement, the letter is not pleasant information. 

Additional tax, penalty and interest equals an unhappy taxpayer and often work done by the Tax Professional that is not resulting in income earned. 

Participants will understand the CP 2000 Notice and the matching process IRS uses as well as timeline.  Attendees will learn how to circumvent the CP 2000 Notice, benefit their taxpayers and create a source of income.

 Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys, EAs

Learning Objectives: 


Beginner to Advanced

Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live

Course 1054 - Update on Elder Law and Estate Planning

Wednesday, November 20 @ 3:50 PM
(2 CPE TAXES) (2 CLE) (2 IRS G1U2N-U-00311-24-I)
David R. Okrent, Esq., CPA

This course will focus on planning to protect assets, income, and related tax benefits, while creating an Estate Plan that includes long term care, the types available in NY and how to pay for it.  In addition, Mr. Okrent will speak on the use of Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney and Medical Advance Directives in Elder Law and Estate Planning, while preserving a person’s independence, dignity and control.  
Learn about the latest and most recent changes in Elder Law and Estate Planning. During this course Mr. Okrent will provide an update on NY law affecting Elder Law and Estate Planning including but not limited to Medicaid eligibility for long term care, Nursing home and Home Care, and various programs within those programs, i.e. Nursing Home Transition Diversion Waiver Program which offers 24 hour care at home.

Who Should Attend:
Accountants, Attorneys



Advanced Preparation:

Delivery Method:
Group Live