Courses: 3032
Cost Segregation Services, Inc.
Eric is in his 14th year representing CSSI, Inc. A Consulting Company that specifically focuses on Income Tax Deductions related to Commercial Real Estate. Current focus includes the Identifying Income Tax Deductions found in the new tax code.
He has been involved in hundreds of Cost Segregations Studies and is responsible for bringing millions of dollars of accelerated depreciation expense and Cash Flow to clients, while achieving a 100% success rate on all applications. Prior experience includes 11 years as a Sales Engineer and 20 years as a Real Estate Investor.
He has also spent the last 13 years speaking to various Tax Professional Organizations across the country. Eric was introduced to NCCPAP by his good friend, Beanna Whitlock.
Current client relationships include Tax Professionals, Property Owners, Property Managers, Real Estate Professionals, Bankers and Financial Consultants.
Applications include: Hotel, Retail Strip, Office, Medical, Manufacturing, Restaurant,
Banks, Apartment, Bowling Alley, Grocery, Aircraft Hanger, Warehouse.
Cost Segregation Services, Inc.
(205) 837-2026