Jackie Meyer, CPA, CCA, CTC

Jackie MeyerCourses: 2001 - Keynote

My passion is resourcing and coaching accounting firm owners through a proven process to build a business you finally love.

Accountants and tax planners like us aren’t simply numbers crunchers. We’re strategic thinkers who add tremendous value to our clients.

Yet whether you’re an army of one or lead an entire team, it seems that for every one thing you cross off your to-do list—two more take its place. The irony is growth is a byproduct of your success. Every win I experienced in the early days of my firm was exciting and left me feeling hopeful and excited for the future. But I quickly found out that growth carried with it a daily grind of running my business that I wasn’t prepared for.

Serving clients. Growing your team. Building systems.

These are all needed things to succeed for the long haul. But let’s face it…

A degree in finance or accounting from even the best academic institution doesn't adequately prepare you to both do the work and operate a business you love at the same time.

In my time running my firm, I’ve made mistakes and learned best practices along the way. Now, my focus is on packaging and passing those insights on to you and other accountants.